C.R.U.S.H 2023

Photo Credit: Jim Cullen

Photo Credit: Jim Cullen



Community. Regional. Up Skill. Haven

Crossroad Arts is partnering up with Dancenorth Australia (Townsville) and La Boite Theatre (Brisbane) to produce an exciting 3 days of workshops in contemporary movement, performance and theatre making to nurture a new crop of fresh and crushingly sweet talent!

C.R.U.S.H is suitable for all ages, bodies, minds and levels or artistic experience - from raw beginner to highly accomplished performers, and/or dancers. Suitable for 15 years and over.

When: 27 - 29 October 2023

Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm each day

Where: Senior Citizens Hall, 58 Macalister Street, Mackay

Cost: $90 for weekend (heavily subsidised rate). Companion cards accepted. Should cost be a barrier to participation, please contact us.

Access: Venue is wheelchair accessible. Any other access requirements please let us know when registering.

Please note: If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impediment, please contact us through the National Relay Service.

Registrations close on Friday, 20 October 2023.

Should you require the application form in a different format i.e. word document, large print, braille please contact us.

If filling in the form is not your preferred way of applying we can also conduct an interview via phone, Zoom or National Relay Service. Please contact us on the details below to arrange a time:

Email: admin@crossroadarts.com.au

Phone: (07) 4953 5122

I have really been struggling to find the words to describe my thoughts about the weekend I spent at C.R.U.S.H with Crossroad Arts. But then I realised it wasn’t about what I thought of the weekend, it was more about what I felt. When you find a place of comfort, of safety, a place where you can express yourself with no judgement or expectations, then you are free. When you are considered, nurtured and trusted, relationships form and infinite love resonates through every element surrounding you. This creates bonds that can never be broken. I thank and love you all, for every moment of love and light you shared with me
— Sacha Davis, Mackay
C.R.U.S.H exceeded our expectations. We met incredible people made new friends caught up with old friends and learnt the deaf blind alphabet. Can’t wait to see you all next year!
— Rebecca Dostal, Sunshine Coast
Crossroad Arts_Dance North

Street View Gallery 2023
